October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015



It’s been five months since Humans vs Harper took to social media to express our frustration and concern about the direction Harper was taking our country.

Since then, we posted over 100 articles and saw over 45,000 hits and 25,000 visitors to our blog. But we were just a small part of an unprecedented wave of anti-Harper sentiment on-line. Songs, Facebook pages, blogs, twitter handles, videos, photo posters, signs, stickers, and endless conversations among Canadians, all of which had the common goal of getting rid of Stephen Harper. Facebook pages with names like Heave Steve, Shit Harper Did, Stop Harper, Canadians Rallying to Unseat Stephen Harper, and Women Against Stephen Harper illustrate the depth of anger and frustration.

This on-line movement fed on itself, expanded and exploded. As the reception grew, it’s momentum supported a fierce desire for change, for a new government. And that’s what we got. Even if we might have preferred a different result we celebrate the fact that through raising our voices we defeated a vile government.

Thanks to everyone who read our blog, who commented, who liked us, who signed up, who shared, who retweeted and favourited us. You kept us going all these months and you defeated Harper. In the coming months, we’ll all see what we can make of this new beginning.

Humans vs Harper Final Slide Show – Focus: Bye Bye Harper

As the election draws ever closer, Humans vs Harper will soon begin packing up our blog, so it’s a great time to bring you our final HvH slide show. While we still have a few more posts coming, here’s a trip down HvH  Memory Lane showing many of the images that accompanied our posts. Since every picture says – at least – a thousand words, the slides  will bring you thousands of reminders of why so many Canadians so immediately understood that we must stop Harper once and for all.

To activate the slide show, click on any image.

Below an excerpt from Sandy Cameron’s poem, We Need A New Map http://sandycameron.vcn.bc.ca/2012/we-need-a-new-map.

We Need a New Map – Excerpt

Drawing a new map

is like singing.

Voicehandler asked Loon

why she talked so much

and Loon replied,

“Well, Sir, I’m not just talking

to my own ears.

The spirit-beings tell me

they have no place to live.

That’s the reason I keep talking.”

Loon sings the sacred

into the world

and creates a new map.

Sing your song, friend.

Tell your story.

The map we inherited

isn’t any good.

The old roads mislead.

We need a new map.

Sandy Cameron (1931-2010) was a poet, teacher, logger, and prospector who wrote beautiful poetry and worked for social justice. He helped people understand the history of our struggles so they would be encouraged and he was a true nature lover. He lived  for many years in the DTES and most everything he wrote was published in the Carnegie Newsletter. This intro borrows from a tribute by Jean Swanson, a long time friend and DTES activist.